I’m Reminded of Something Important


Recently I was going through some of my old posts, of which there haven’t been many over the past several years actually, when I came across a reply to my 49th Birthday post. After reading it, I felt inspired to be present and focus on those things that are meaningful to me and that bring joy and happiness. Hey, it’s NOT overrated.

I want to share with you over the past several years I have been posting pictures on a site called Viewbug. On the site you get a chance to share with the world something you found that made you happy. Well, at least for me it does.

I have also started writing on several projects; actually one major project that has bamboozled me a few times in the past but during social isolation, I have made some headway. I’ll share more details as I progress through it. What I can tell you, and maybe I have mentioned this before, is that it is a novel set here in Portland Oregon.

I’ve also taken up semi-precious stone wire-wrapping. That’s been interesting and challenging and I look forward when I can make it beyond the beginner pieces I have been working on.

What I can say is that I may not be very good at most or any of these things that bring me joy. The joy come from doing them. Starting and finishing them and learning and getting better (I can hope) with each effort I put forth. The point is that I am not trying to meet anyone else’s expectations aside my own. As long as I can remember to be kind with myself when I don’t accomplish as much as I would like or the piece is not as good as I would like, then I will continue to move forward with being the best me I can be.

More to come…

Peace be with you!

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